According to Imam Khomeini, uprising for God has two dimensions: first, individual dimension that covers the awakening of the individual, self-realization and movement on the road to his Divine nature; and second, political and social dimension in the sense of uprising against oppression, tyranny and injustice andd struggling to establish 'idalah in the land.
These two aspects of uprising that open the way for the correct movement of human society and deliverance from dependencies, attachments and current problems has been the real journey of Divine leaders, prophets and all righteous people in the course of history.
They have risen up with all forces against arrogant powers and Pharaohs of their time, experiencing numerous sufferings for the implementation of 'idalah in the world.
This lifestyle is a lesson for us to rise up and launch our movement for 'idalah to materialize.
In this course, neither mystical seclusion serves as a proof of having moved on the way, nor entry into a society and establishment of government a proof of having stumbled onto the trappings of the world and worldliness.
Rather, what counts are incentive, purpose and intention.
Imam Khomeini in a letter to his son wrote:
''O my son! Neither mystical seclusion can serve as a proof of having reached the truth, nor entry into a society and establishment of a government a token of dissociating from the truth. The criterion in action is their motivation.
"A pious man may be trapped by Satan and many a government administrator inspired by Divine motives reaches the field of closeness to God."
"However closer the motives may be to the light of man's spiritual nature and however purified from veils, even the veil of light, one will be more dependent on the source of light. At the beginning of the journey, the criterion is rising up for Allah both in personal and individual and social activities."
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