Of course, the feasts prescribed by Islam have been differently treated in accordance with different views of different schools. The understanding of he men of knowledge of feast widely differs from what others have...
Thursday, March 21, 2013 06:13
Hezbollah Secretary General in his speech considered defending the Prophet of Islam as defending all the sacred matters, prophets and divine religions and stated: "To create sedition among Muslims and Christians in the world is the main goal for repeating these sacrileges and right now the Christians are used by the enemies."
Thursday, September 20, 2012 01:17
I know you are in suffering. I also sympathize with you in your pain. I sympathize with your pain like a brother whose brother and sister is suffering and like a father whose children are in anguish.
Sunday, June 24, 2012 09:32
The liberation of Khurramshahr was not an ordinary thing. The fact that 15 to 20 thousand of enemy forces voluntarily surrendered themselves is not an ordinary thing. It is supernatural. Today, Iran is counted as a great and strong country and has become the talk of the town. [1]
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 01:35