Before Imam, Islamic unity was mostly a theoretical discussion

Hojatoleslam Taskhiri:

Before Imam, Islamic unity was mostly a theoretical discussion

At the time which the Islamic world was looking for unity among its children, they didn’t have the necessary instruments, but Imam Khomeini by founding the great government of the Islamic republic, paved the path for other Muslims.”

Friday, February 10, 2012 11:17

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The Islamic revolution challenged the current international system

Dmitry Zhukov:

The Islamic revolution challenged the current international system

Imam Khomeini made a revolution victorious which rearranged the world’s political equations and challenged the bipolar system in the international structures.

Thursday, February 09, 2012 10:34

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 Imam Khomeini always emphasized on the unity of Muslims

Maulavi Mohammad Mokhtar Mofleh:

Imam Khomeini always emphasized on the unity of Muslims

The principle of unity among all Islamic sects is notable and undeniable. Therefor Imam Khomeini, by having full knowledge in this subject, named this week as the Unity Week.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012 10:31

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Imam Khomeini`s historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

The return of Imam Khomeini to Tehran after fifteen years in exile

Imam Khomeini's historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

We should thank all the strata of the society for bringing this victory up to this stage by means of their unanimity. We should all understand that the secret of this victory is the unanimity among Muslims- all of them-, the unanimity of religious minorities with the Muslims, the solidarity of universities and educational schools, the solidarity of the clergy and the political factions.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012 02:52

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Imam Khomeini`s Hajj message and the philosophy behind it

Hajj message

Imam Khomeini's Hajj message and the philosophy behind it

In an interview with Ayatollah Taskhiri, chairman of the International Forum for Proximity of Islamic Denominations, the hajj messages issued by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution were discussed. Due to the long day Iranian pilgrims had to endure on their way to Saudi Arabia, certain negotiations took place between the officials of the two countries in order to coordinate the times and delays. Ayatollah Taskhiri was a member of the Iranian delegation which was sent to Saudi Arabia to negotiate with Saudi officials.

Saturday, November 12, 2011 10:30

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Ayatollah Khamenei`s Message to Hajj Pilgrims- 2011

Ayatollah Khamenei's Hajj message

Ayatollah Khamenei's Message to Hajj Pilgrims- 2011

The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei issued a statement to the Hajj congress and pilgrims. In this statement Ayatollah Khamenei talked of the recent movements and uprisings in the Arab World and stated that these uprisings were due to the Islamic awakening of different societies. Furthermore he added that in order for these uprisings to be successful, people must be resolute and must not be fooled by the deceit or trickery used by some powerful countries to break up their unity. Without unity and persistence no uprising can achieve anything.

Sunday, November 06, 2011 03:13

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