Iran starts 10-day celebrations marking 40th anniversary of Revolution

Iran starts 10-day celebrations marking 40th anniversary of Revolution

Iranian people have started the 10-Day Dawn celebrations to mark the 40th anniversary of the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, which overthrew the monarchy of the US-backed Pahlavi regime in Iran.

Friday, February 01, 2019 10:08

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Historic letter to Gorbachev proves Imam`s unique visionan and revolutionary leadership

Historic letter to Gorbachev proves Imam's unique visionan and revolutionary leadership

Imam Khomeini asked that “Indeed, how can Islam be the opium of the people—the religion that has made Iranians as firm as a mountain against superpowers?”

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 07:00

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Closing ceremony of Islamic unity summit being held in Tehran

Closing ceremony of Islamic unity summit being held in Tehran

A final closing ceremony for the international unity summit is being held in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

Monday, November 26, 2018 07:18

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Leader says sensitivity of  US to Middle East is due to the rise of Islam

Leader says sensitivity of US to Middle East is due to the rise of Islam

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says a "resistance movement" based on Islam is building up across the world, which is unsettling world powers, especially the US.

Sunday, November 25, 2018 01:39

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Impact of US sanctions on Iran cushioned by high oil prices

Impact of US sanctions on Iran cushioned by high oil prices

The impacts of fresh US sanctions on Iran have been cushioned by high oil prices and Washington’s international isolation, with Tehran being better placed to weather the storm, a Reuters analysis says.

Friday, November 09, 2018 04:10

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 Iran Christians to US: stop shedding crocodile tears for minorities’

Iran Christians to US: stop shedding crocodile tears for minorities’

Iran’s minorities have called on Washington to be concerned about its own poor human rights record at home and abroad instead of shedding “crocodile tears” for others. Iran’s Assyro-Chaldean churches also censured US officials’ “interventionist” claims about the situation of religious minorities in the Islamic Republic.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 06:18

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