Ayatollah Khomeini was the real leader, says Professor Richard Falk

Ayatollah Khomeini was the real leader, says Professor Richard Falk

Over the past decades, despite being faced with threats, provocations, harsh sanctions, and even a variety of covert interventions, Iran has been more stable than ever- a fact even acknowledged by Professor Richard Falk as the former UN Special Rapporteur.

Sunday, May 17, 2020 03:30

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Imam`s leadership had boosted spirit of youth and people

Imam's leadership had boosted spirit of youth and people

Memoirs by Fatima Tabatabaei

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 05:09

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Imam Khomeini sought to establish a model society based upon Islamic constitution and norms

Imam Khomeini sought to establish a model society based upon Islamic constitution and norms

In the course of its revolutionary developments under Imam Khomeini's guidance, the Iranian nation cleansed itself of the dirt and impurities accumulated during the tãghũtī past and purged itself of foreign ideological influences, thus returning to the authentic intellectual standpoints and world view of Islam. The mission of the Constitution is to realize the ideological objectives of the Islamic movement.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020 06:02

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 FM Zarif says resistance, referendum only viable solution to Palestine issue

FM Zarif says resistance, referendum only viable solution to Palestine issue

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the only viable solution to the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies in taking the path of resistance and a popular vote, rather than the US-devised Middle East proposal that seeks to bolster Israeli hold on occupied land at the expense of Palestinian rights.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 12:23

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Arriving spring, youth I revive after having become old, Sitting biside the beloved from my own life advantage I take.

Saturday, January 11, 2020 12:03

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Revisiting Imam Khomeini’s Letter to Gorbachev

Revisiting Imam Khomeini’s Letter to Gorbachev

On January 3, 1988, a historic letter was delivered from Imam Khomeini to President Mikhail Gorbachev. This letter has since been entered into the annals of history as a piece of remarkably insightful and indeed prophetic writing from one head of state to another.

Monday, December 30, 2019 08:40

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Imam Khomeini was highly-influential and innovative Islamic political theorist

Imam Khomeini was highly-influential and innovative Islamic political theorist

Imam Ayatollah Seyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (May 17, 1900 – June 3, 1989) was a Muslim cleric and Marja, and the political leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran which overthrew Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019 04:28

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