Faithless people become proud of their evil deeds, Imam Khomeini explained

Faithless people become proud of their evil deeds, Imam Khomeini explained

The bad deeds of unbelievers, hypocrites, polytheists, atheists, villains, sinners, and transgressors occasionally reach such a point when they become proud of their evil deeds and think highly of themselves.

Sunday, August 08, 2021 12:47

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One of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been combination of mysticism

One of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been combination of mysticism

Researchers maintain that one of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been the combination of mysticism and politics and it’s been used in his daily life and his political decisions.

Thursday, August 05, 2021 04:24

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This world is too insignificant to be worthy of love, Imam Khomeini stressed

This world is too insignificant to be worthy of love, Imam Khomeini stressed

Imam Khomeini stressed that this world, with all its superficial splendor and glitter is too insignificant to be worthy of love.

Saturday, July 31, 2021 12:58

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Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) was free of every material tendency

Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) was free of every material tendency

Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) turned his back on all pleasures of this worldly life and preferred the obedience of Allah to everything else.

Monday, July 26, 2021 12:32

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Humans miserably fails to grasp the extent of his own small world

Humans miserably fails to grasp the extent of his own small world

According to Imam Khomeini through his theological works reminded faithful people to remember God and remember all His favors and graces, and stop disobeying Him.

Friday, July 16, 2021 04:20

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Imam Khomeini was a person who advocated and brought about transformation

Imam Khomeini was a person who advocated and brought about transformation

The leader of Islamic Revolution Imam Ayatollah Seyyed Ali once said Khamenei [Khomeini] was a person who advocated and brought about transformation. As for bringing about transformation, his role was not confined to being a mere teacher and instructor, rather he played the role of a commander active on the field and leading in the true sense of the word.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021 02:56

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self-examination, essential pre-requisites for a seeker of truth

self-examination, essential pre-requisites for a seeker of truth

According to Imam Khomeini, self-conditioning or stipulation means binding oneself with the resolve not to do anything against God’s commands.

Friday, May 28, 2021 04:56

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Mankind needs assistance to emerge victorious in world and hereafter, Imam explained

Mankind needs assistance to emerge victorious in world and hereafter, Imam explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that human being, a creature crawling on one of the smallest planets miserably fails to grasp the extent of his own small world.

Saturday, May 08, 2021 09:49

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