Sunday, July 02, 2023 12:41
Saturday, July 01, 2023 12:23
According to Imam Khomeini, if man is certain and has faith that all the outward and inward worlds are in the presence of the Lord, and that God, the Exalted, is present everywhere and sees everything, in the presence of God and God’s blessings there would be no possibility for committing sins.
Friday, June 30, 2023 08:29
Imam Khomeini through his works warned that all our deeds shouldn't serve as the means for satisfying our desires and gratifying the carnal appetites.
Sunday, June 18, 2023 01:00
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 10:25
Imam Khomeini through his theological explained that none of the messengers of God have ever demanded to completely kill sensuality and desire or to extinguish the fire of passion or anger and ignore the inventions of imagination.
Thursday, May 04, 2023 12:56
Imam Khomeini through his theological and mystical works explains that faith, which is the joy and fortune of the soul, is different from knowledge, which is the pleasure and satisfaction of the intellect.
Tuesday, May 02, 2023 09:53
Thursday, April 20, 2023 10:52