Imam warns against kibr towards men of divine knowledge

Imam warns against kibr towards men of divine knowledge

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that as to the kibr towards the creatures of God, kibr towards men of divine knowledge and scholars is the worst form of it, and its evil effects are graver and its harms more serious than of any other type of kibr.

Sunday, July 05, 2020 12:04

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Imam Khomeini sought to establish a model society based upon Islamic constitution and norms

Imam Khomeini sought to establish a model society based upon Islamic constitution and norms

In the course of its revolutionary developments under Imam Khomeini's guidance, the Iranian nation cleansed itself of the dirt and impurities accumulated during the tãghũtī past and purged itself of foreign ideological influences, thus returning to the authentic intellectual standpoints and world view of Islam. The mission of the Constitution is to realize the ideological objectives of the Islamic movement.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020 06:02

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Imam Khomeini confronted injustices against women

Imam Khomeini confronted injustices against women

Imam Khomeini once said in a historic message that an extensive look at history shows that various social communities imposed a lot of cruelty and injustice on women one way or the other.

Sunday, February 16, 2020 08:20

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The convoy of the sage of the Islamic movement

The convoy of the sage of the Islamic movement

Tanuli, Mohammad Yusef – the minister of the to the state affairs of Pakistan

Tuesday, January 07, 2020 12:30

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Imam Khomeini promoted unity between universities and seminaries

Imam Khomeini promoted unity between universities and seminaries

The unity of the universities and seminaries ‎was declared by the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini. He emphasized upon this unity many times and highlighted its significance through his historical speeches and statements.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 11:41

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Imam Khomeini, who raised flag against colonialism and Zionism

Imam Khomeini, who raised flag against colonialism and Zionism

Tals, Mostafa – the deputy to the general commander of the armed forces and the minister of defense

Thursday, November 14, 2019 11:39

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Saturday, October 19, 2019 10:16

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