Civil rights in Imam Khomeini’s thought and manner

Civil rights in Imam Khomeini’s thought and manner

Civil rights for Imam Khomeini always have been a serious concern and its examples have been receiving special attention and emphasis in both his theoretical and practical manner. A quick exploration in Imam’s tracks especially in Sahifeh (a collection of Imam’s speeches, statements, decrees and letters) reveals his great concern and precision on civil rights and individual privacy.

Saturday, September 21, 2019 09:27

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 Imam Khomeini defined genuine political facet

Imam Khomeini defined genuine political facet

Saturday, September 14, 2019 12:25

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The impact of timing and surroundings for issuing religious decrees by relying on Imam Khomeini’s views

The impact of timing and surroundings for issuing religious decrees by relying on Imam Khomeini’s ...

Islamic revolution and establishing Islamic republic in Iran put a strong emphasize on the necessity of paying attention to inquisitive jurisprudence and the two elements of time and place and Imam Khomeini as the reviver of religion in the contemporary era by postulation of this very important issue in scientific and executive rank caused growth of this view point in connection with jurisprudence and hard working on making the right answers to peoples’ questions.

Friday, September 13, 2019 11:41

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Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of ethics

Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of ethics

Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic attached a great significance to ethical values.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 01:16

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Leader appoints new head of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation

Leader appoints new head of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution appointed Morteza Bakhtiari as the new managing director of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation and Seyyed Parviz Fattah as the new head and managing director of the Mostazafan Foundation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019 08:24

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An examination of the relationship between religious jurisprudence and morality using an approach regarding the view of his excellency Imam Khomeini

An examination of the relationship between religious jurisprudence and morality using an approach ...

Imam Khomeini though accepting the appearance science of jurisprudence like Shazali in opposition to Ghazali believes that not considering the appearance and only going after the inside with respect to excursion and behavior is not enough and believes that as religious jurisprudence has also expressed appearance ceremonies should also be observed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019 03:03

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