Imam Khomeini viewed world and the hereafter as complementary to one another

Imam Khomeini viewed world and the hereafter as complementary to one another

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic stressed through his theological works that Man has to go on a great journey from the earth to the heavens

Monday, September 18, 2017 03:49

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Returning to Imam Khomeini ideals can help Ummah to ease Rohingya plight

Returning to Imam Khomeini ideals can help Ummah to ease Rohingya plight

Pundits maintain that returning to Imam Khomeini's ideals can help the Islamic world to find a solution in order to ease pain and plight of persecuted Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar..

Thursday, September 14, 2017 04:08

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Muslims converge on Mecca for hajj

Muslims converge on Mecca for hajj

Muslims can also perform the Umrah or Lesser Pilgrimage during the rest of the year, but that is no substitute for the obligatory rituals, known as Tumattu Pilgrimage.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017 04:18

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Iraqi forces manage to recapture center of Tal Afar from Daesh

Iraqi forces manage to recapture center of Tal Afar from Daesh

Iraqi armed forces have managed to retake the center of Tal Afar from Daesh Takfiri terrorists.

Saturday, August 26, 2017 06:56

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Divine involved in marriage of Fatimah al-Zahra and Ali ibn-e Abi Talib

Divine involved in marriage of Fatimah al-Zahra and Ali ibn-e Abi Talib

On the last day of Zilqa'ad (the 11th month), Muhammad Mustafa, the Apostle of God, invited the Muhajireen and the Ansar, to attend a banquet, on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017 07:35

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Iran slams Daesh terror attack in Barcelona, urges united front against terrorism

Iran slams Daesh terror attack in Barcelona, urges united front against terrorism

Iran has condemned a Daesh terror attack that left over a dozen people dead in the northern Spanish city of Barcelona.

Friday, August 18, 2017 05:48

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He would sit on his knees respectfully

He would sit on his knees respectfully

He would sit like an ordinary participant with total humility in the company of young and unknown seminary students

Thursday, August 17, 2017 03:49

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Imam Khomeini detailed underlying philosophies of Hajj

Imam Khomeini detailed underlying philosophies of Hajj

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic pursued the revival of the Abrahamic and Mohammedan (PBUH) Hajj pilgrimage.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 03:26

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