Leader says sacred Defense proved resistance only way to protect Iran

Leader says sacred Defense proved resistance only way to protect Iran

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Sacred Defense against the ex-Iraqi regime’s eight-year war on Iran proved that protecting the country can be achieved only through resistance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 11:06

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Way to save contemporary man is to know Ahlul Bayt and move on their path of light

Way to save contemporary man is to know Ahlul Bayt and move on their path of light

Referring to the Americans' admission of the failure of oppressive policies and maximum pressure on the Iranian nation, the President said, "The enthusiasts of AhlulBayt (AS) will overcome all difficulties by holding on to the Rope of Allah, and this is a great message for the whole world".

Saturday, September 03, 2022 10:00

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Examining the Duties of the Islamic State to Enforce Social Justice From Imam Khomeini`s Perspective

Examining the Duties of the Islamic State to Enforce Social Justice From Imam Khomeini's Perspective

Imam Khomeini, as a scholar of Islam and justice Seeker, with a deep understanding of the importance of justice in the Qur'an and Sunnah and the fact that many of the problems and difficulties of the society are rooted in the disbelief or confrontation of the rulers with justice has been commented on many times. This research has been done descriptively and analytically, and its findings indicate that, according to Imam Khomeini, the Islamic government is responsible for eliminating oppression, discrimination, and justice in society and should prioritize this issue and Work through practical solutions to achieve this

Friday, August 05, 2022 02:07

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Spreading Imam`s dynamic ideals abroad, an important duty of cultural attachés

Spreading Imam's dynamic ideals abroad, an important duty of cultural attachés

Hojjat al-Islam Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour, the head of Organisation of Islamic Culture and Communications, says spreading dynamic thought and ideas has been one of the most important duty and task of cultural centers in foreign countries.

Thursday, July 28, 2022 12:01

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A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini`s Political Thought and Neo-Gramscianism

A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini's Political Thought and ...

The concept of quot global justice quot is a core concept in imam khomeini's thought which substantially contributes to a profound understanding of his ideas . However, understanding other thinkers' points of view in this regard, besides Imam Khomeini, may result in a more comprehensive understanding of this concept. The present study, considering the importance of addressing this challenge, aimed to review the approximation of Imam Khomeini's political thought and that of Neo Gramscian theoreticians about the concept of global justice.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 07:38

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The prophet`s status and the duties with an emphasis on the Imam Khomeini’s views

The prophet's status and the duties with an emphasis on the Imam Khomeini’s views

According to the Imam Khomeini the prophet hood is an absolute truth and its expression is with respect with a position and that has to do with that which is hidden completely, his eminence and a Hadith.

Monday, May 23, 2022 10:19

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