An international summit has been held to explore the ideals of Imam Khomeini about women status.
Monday, November 29, 2021 08:42
Imam Khomeini advises and recommends the faithful people to adopt simple life style and address the public problems and take care of them.
Sunday, November 28, 2021 01:04
In early 1970 Imam Khomeini gave a lecture series in Najaf on Islamic Government which later was published as a book titled variously Islamic Government or Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists (velayat-e faqih). This was his most famous and influential work and laid out his ideas on governance (at that time):
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 08:08
Monday, November 22, 2021 07:43
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 12:00
Imam Khomeini in a historic interview with French media defined the meaning of Islamic Republic, saying it would based on rules and laws in accordace with Islam.
Sunday, November 14, 2021 01:38
Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam
Saturday, November 13, 2021 08:16
In January 1963, the Shah announced a six-point program of reform called the White Revolution, an American-inspired package of measures designed to give his regime a liberal and progressive facade.
Thursday, November 11, 2021 08:00