Imam Khomeini wanted NAM to confront world arrogant powers

Imam Khomeini wanted NAM to confront world arrogant powers

Imam Khomeini through his speeches and historical messages appealed independent nations to play significant role in the international diplomacy in order to confront vicious influence of colonial powers.

Friday, October 25, 2019 05:22

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Imam Khomeini defended Islam and spirituality

Imam Khomeini defended Islam and spirituality

Imam Khomeini defended divine region of Islam and spiritual values by writing his famous work known as Kashfol-Asrar at sensitive juncture of history

Friday, October 25, 2019 01:16

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Imam Khomeini advised businessmen and merchants to enlighten public

Imam Khomeini advised businessmen and merchants to enlighten public

When merchants met Imam at the time, they asked him about their most important duties and obligations in those circumstances. At this Imam replied that their major duty was to enlighten people.

Sunday, September 29, 2019 01:59

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Resolution 598 revealed real face of US-led imperial powers

Resolution 598 revealed real face of US-led imperial powers

After the acceptance of the resolution 598 by Iran, the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam and his US-led Western and regional backers didn't have any explanation and reason for their people concerning the imposition of the eight year-old war on Iran.

Saturday, September 28, 2019 05:16

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Iran`s President Rouhani tells US to leave region

Iran's President Rouhani tells US to leave region

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the US has no business and is not welcome in the region and must leave it, stressing that the security of the Persian Gulf can be ensured only by neighbors not outsiders.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 08:25

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President Rouhani says no talks with US unless bans lifted, Iran rights respected

President Rouhani says no talks with US unless bans lifted, Iran rights respected

President Hassan Rouhani says the United States should lift all its “cruel” and “unlawful” sanctions against Iran and begin respecting the nation’s rights as a “first step” towards dialog, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic will not engage in any negotiations for the mere sake of photo opportunities.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 12:17

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Imam Khomeini frequently condemned the American-British coup

Imam Khomeini frequently condemned the American-British coup

65 years have passed since coup d’état against Iran's first democratically-elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq. The coup was completed on August 19 in 1953.

Monday, August 19, 2019 01:46

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Imam Khomeini’s scholarly works contain deep insightfulness

Imam Khomeini’s scholarly works contain deep insightfulness

Imam Khomeini’s early writing indicate that his primary interest during his early years in the holy city of Qom was gnosis and mysticism.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019 10:10

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