Iranian naval forces pay allegiance to Imam’s ideals

Iranian naval forces pay allegiance to Imam’s ideals

The personnel and senior officials of the Iranian naval forces have pledged allegiance to ideals of the founder of the Islamic Republic.

Saturday, October 10, 2015 02:08

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Foreign figures pledge allegiance to Imam Khomeini Ideals

Foreign figures pledge allegiance to Imam Khomeini Ideals

Hundreds of foreign guests have pledged allegiance to the divine ideals of the founder of the Islamic Republic by visiting his holy Shrine.

Saturday, August 15, 2015 09:24

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Imam Khomeini Ideals Becoming Popular: African Academic

Imam Khomeini Ideals Becoming Popular: African Academic

An academic from Ivory Coast says that the dynamic thought and ideals of the founder of the Islamic Republic are becoming increasingly popular among the African people.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015 01:34

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President Rouhani Renews Allegiance to Imam Khomeini Ideals

President Rouhani Renews Allegiance to Imam Khomeini Ideals

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and several members of his administration were received by Imam’s grandson Hassan Khomeini at the holy shrine of the founder of Islamic Republic.

Saturday, January 31, 2015 03:40

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Institute Holds an International Literary Festival

Institute Holds an International Literary Festival

The Cultural and Art Department of the Institute holds an International Literary Festival namely Yaroyadegar as a great need is being felt for new writers with fresh ideas to write and compile works with regard to Imam’s ideals.

Saturday, January 03, 2015 01:41

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Iranian armed forces show allegiance to Imam Khomeini ideals

Iranian armed forces show allegiance to Imam Khomeini ideals

Iranian armed forces have staged a parade honoring the 34th anniversary of eight years of defense against Iraq's invasion of Iran under former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Thursday, September 25, 2014 02:24

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Summit on Palestine reflects Imam Khomeini ideals

Summit on Palestine reflects Imam Khomeini ideals

Politicians, scholars and journalist have gathered from across the world in the Iranian capital Tehran to highlight Imam Khomeini ideals about rights of the oppressed nation of Palestine.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014 10:59

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Muslim Governments Need to Follow Imam Ideology: Comoros National Assembly Speaker

Muslim Governments Need to Follow Imam Ideology: Comoros National Assembly Speaker

In order to defend the rights of the oppressed nations we should follow the way of Imam which is the same way adopted by the divine prophets, said the Speaker of the Comoros National Assembly.

Monday, February 24, 2014 04:02

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