Leader says unipolar world order losing legitimacy, calls for Muslim unity

Leader says unipolar world order losing legitimacy, calls for Muslim unity

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the unipolar world order in which one or two states impose their will on other countries is no longer accepted.

Friday, October 14, 2022 01:35

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Islam fulfills contemporary demands against cultural invasion

Islam fulfills contemporary demands against cultural invasion

Iranian President, Ayatollah Dr. Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday morning, October 12, speaking at the opening ceremony of the 36th International Conference of Islamic Unity, congratulated the auspicious birth anniversary of the Prophet of Islam (SA) and Imam Jaafar Sadeq (AS), welcomed the guests from all over the world and said Islam, by raising the question about what strategies should be used to promote unity within the Islamic Ummah in this conference and what are the necessary predictions to prevent division and separation? He said: Modern man can create a happy life for himself by relying on God, self-confidence and religious teachings, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 08:12

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   Imam Khomeini took initiatives to boost Muslim unity

Imam Khomeini took initiatives to boost Muslim unity

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic took several initiatives to boost unity among all Muslims and tried to eradicate divisions and any sectarian strife among them.

Sunday, October 09, 2022 06:34

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The birth of Imam Naghi al-Hadi

The birth of Imam Naghi al-Hadi

Thursday, July 14, 2022 10:03

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Strong leadership of Imam Khomeini led to collapse of Shah regime, victory of Islamic Revolution

Strong leadership of Imam Khomeini led to collapse of Shah regime, victory of Islamic Revolution

The strong leadership of Imam Khomeini in February 1979, which led to the collapse of the former monarchical regime and establishment of the Islamic Republic system.

Monday, May 09, 2022 10:52

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Divine savior is assigned to set right all  previous deviations, Imam Khomeini explained

Divine savior is assigned to set right all previous deviations, Imam Khomeini explained

Highlighting the significance of mid-Sh’aban which marks birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), the late founder of the Islamic Republic through a series of historic messages said the divine savior is assigned to set right all these perversions and deviations.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 10:30

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