Imam Khomeini’s revolution attained the culture of Ahl al-Bayt to the world

Argentinean scholar:

Imam Khomeini’s revolution attained the culture of Ahl al-Bayt to the world

In 1979 Iran’s Islamic revolution had become victorious and Imam Khomeini sent clergies to Latin America. One of them came to Argentina and made a Mosque. This clergyman translated several books and caused a new movement through Muslims

Wednesday, March 07, 2012 02:52

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200 non-Iranian students visited Imam Khomeini’s historical residence

200 non-Iranian students visited Imam Khomeini’s historical residence

200 non-Iranian students who are studying in Iranian universities, visited the home town and historical residence of the great founder of the revolution in Khomein.

Sunday, February 12, 2012 11:00

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The anniversary of the Revolution

Explaining the greatness of the Revolution

The anniversary of the Revolution

The twenty-second of Bahman is the preface to the victory of the nation of Iran over the arrogant oppressors and plunderers. Bahman 22 is the preface to the decline of the oppressive machinery of the evil" Taghoutis" and Bahman 22 is the preface to the rule of God over the world. Bahman 22 is the preface to the hoisting of banner of Islamic justice and the awakening of the oppressed. Congratulations to the great country and great nation of Iran and to all the Muslims, the oppressed and the deprived.

Saturday, February 11, 2012 02:48

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 The message to Gorbachev was a sign of Imam’s power

Hamid Reza Asefi:

The message to Gorbachev was a sign of Imam’s power

This letter has different dimensions which we could speak about it; philosophical, religious and cultural dimensions which are all notable, but about the political dimension of the message; we should consider that in the situation which the message was sent no one could have thought or predicted about the collapse of the Soviet Union, but Imam had done it, and this shows that if any one wants to view the situation with out considering the developments of time he has too have a inspirational point of view.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 09:45

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The ‘Imam Khomeini’s views’ conference

A local conference held in Gilan

The ‘Imam Khomeini’s views’ conference

Hujjat Allah Taqavi announced that a conference would be held on the 17th of December in Gilan. Taqavi is the head of this cultural and research conference, which is to do with the social, political and cultural views of Imam Khomeini.

Friday, December 16, 2011 02:04

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The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 2

Protests all over the world

The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 2

Who would have believed that the dictatorships ruling the Arab world would fall one by one or that protests against capitalism would emerge in the West? What has really been shocking is the Western demonstrations against the economic policies of the world’s greatest powers. Instead of occupying, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans are now occupying Wall Street. It seems they have finally woken up and now seen the real world they are living in.

Friday, December 16, 2011 01:15

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The true aim of the Master of Martyrs (as)

The true aim of the Master of Martyrs (as)

The society at the time of Imam Hussein (as) was in such as state that, the holy Imam (as) was forced to take a strong stand and endure great tragedies to save the TRUE Islam. The ceremonies and other acts of mourning we carry out and hold are not only to achieve merits but rather to remember the message of pure Islam and keep it alive.

Monday, December 12, 2011 03:11

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 Velayati: Regional Uprisings Inspired by Imam Khomeini`s Movement

Velayati: Regional Uprisings Inspired by Imam Khomeini's Movement

Velayati: Regional Uprisings Inspired by Imam Khomeini's Movement

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Islamic Revolution led by the Late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, is the source of inspiration for the growing tide of Islamic awakening in the region, an Iranian official stated.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 03:57

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