What were Imam’s views about holding of high-ranking positions by women?

What were Imam’s views about holding of high-ranking positions by women?

Imam Khomeinialways maintained that women should have an active participation in all social, cultural and political arenas. He never sought to limit women’s activities in the society. Imam wanted to restore dignity and greast self-esteem to the women following the victory of 1979 Islamic revolution.

Imam once in this regard said as following:

"In an Islamic system, the women enjoy the same rights that men do, that is, right to education, right to work, right to property, and right to suffrage. Women enjoy the same rights that men do in all fields. However, there are certain cases that are forbidden for men in order to prevent corruption, likewise there are certain cases that are forbidden for women because they cause corruption. Islam has tried to protect the humane status of men and women. Islam has tried to prevent the women from becoming a plaything in the hands of men."

Sahifeh-ye-Imam, V. 5, P. 175

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